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SOI Solutions: Who We Are, How We Came to Be, and What We Do

one person helping the other as they transverse a mountaintop at susnet.

An Intro With Some History

Prior to 2019, most IT projects included the need to be onsite with the customer. Wear and tear on the consultant, challenges matching up personnel availability to delivery needs, dedicated customer resources to coincide with the consultant’s visit, and of course the significant travel expense–despite all of this, the perceived need for in-office, dedicated delivery consultants was “normal”. 

Then boom! The COVID-19 pandemic changed the game and (almost instantly) all the work could be done remotely eliminating all these challenges. With a few delivery style tweaks, the job remained the same however the need for high-quality, results-oriented, on-demand services would not be allowed to suffer just because the work was now remotely delivered. On the contrary, and rightfully so, customers expected no degradation in services at a time when the need for collaboration was becoming more intense and technical complexity was increasing.


Customers want what they want when they want it!

But what do they want?

Over the many hundreds of data management projects that we’ve delivered throughout the years, a few consistent sentiments have emerged:

“Data management software is complex and we want to realize the full benefit of our software investment”

“It’s all about the use case, but we don’t know where to start”

“Statements of work take time and collaboration to finalize. By the time we reach consensus things have changed.”

All of these challenges got us thinking about how we, as a services provider, can provide sought-after subject matter expertise: consulting and technology, basic through advanced, and on-demand, without missing a beat. Coupled with the explosion of the data management industry and Cribl, a thought-leading company that continues to disrupt the industry in ways that benefit data management, SOI Solutions was born.

SOI lives at the intersection of data consulting and engineering. We work with our customers to define their business needs and then we structure their data fabric and intelligence tools so they can make better decisions for their businesses.

We Are THE Data Experts

Data consulting and engineering are our core competencies; it’s what we live and breathe. Our ideal client relationship is one where the customer wants to be a data-driven decision-making machine but needs SOI Solutions’ help to hit the ground running.  We will assess what’s in place currently, help to fill the gaps and make suggestions for expansions and improvements. 

SOI Solutions’ scalable and cost-effective solutions provide results no matter where you are in your data journey. 

Our Customer Service Portal

A keystone of the SOI experience is our Customer Service Portal. This is your lifeline to SOI’s services and consulting expertise. Achieving your desired outcomes is as easy as submitting a ticket from our catalog of 30 on-demand Product Service requests via the portal. From first-time Cribl deployments to specialized assessments, each service package is designed to expedite your time to value. Our services ensure you get the right data to the right system for accurate and timely decision-making

Examples of the services we provide are here.

Our Service Tiers

At SOI we offer 3 different levels of service depending upon the needs of your business. 

Professional Services: Independent projects selected from our Service Catalog; designed for companies trying to achieve foundational outcomes.

Subscription Services: Offerings with a monthly subscription at 3 different levels depending on the desired Product Service count. This is for companies looking to extend their reach by solving intermediate to more advanced challenges regularly. 

Managed Services: Our top-tier Data Management Solution for those customers who want SOI Solutions to take the lead and manage Cribl at scale for the fastest time to value. Completely outsource the configuration and management of your data pipeline needs with round-the-clock monitoring and data engineering services to support your operations. The cost savings of Managed Services versus full-time equivalent staffing for the same service are realized with a compelling ROI. 

We Are Your Data Journey Guides

At SOI Solutions, our service tiers allow customers to choose what fits their data management journey. All tiers are constructed with service offerings that are pre-built catalogs containing years of experience and hundreds of engagements worth of knowledge. 

The team at SOI Solutions is excited to bring you a modern and efficient delivery strategy for your important data management initiatives. We’re good at what we do, and we’d love the opportunity to work with you.

Contact us at [email protected] or call me at 720-636-0729.

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